golden dorje

Dudjom Rinpoche

Jiktrel Yeshe Dorje

golden dorje


In a past life Rikdzin Nuden Dorje Tsel,
In a future life the Buddha Infinite Aspiration,
In his last life Padma Sambhava's regent, Drokben:
Homage to Jiktrel Yeshe Dorje.

photo courtesy of Gelong Matthieu Ricard

Dudjom Rimpoche’s Seventeen Incarnations

1. Nuden Dorje:
tutor of 1000 princes who countless ages ago vowed to attain Buddhahood

2. Sariputra:
chief disciple of Sakyamuni known for his  intellectual wisdom.

3. Saraha:
poet and yogin, first of the mahasiddhas.

4. Krishnadhara:
chief minister of Indrabhuti of Uddiyana

5. Humkara:
one of the eight Vidhyadharas; holder of Yang dag thugs from Dakini

6. Kheu Chung Lotsawa:
translator and one of Padmasambhava's Twenty-five Tibetan disciples.

7. Smritijnana:
one of the Indian Panditas in Tibet.

8. Rongdzom Pandita:
scholar and redactor of the Nyingma Kama.

9. Dampa Deshek:
founder of Kathog Gompa in Kham.

10. Ling Je Repa:
founder of the Drukpa Kagyu school.

11. Chogyel Phakpa:
nephew of Sakya Pandita, ruler of Tibet, priest to Kubilai Khan.

12. Drum khar Nagpopa:
Khampa yogi who meditated in dark retreat for 18 years.

13. Hewa Chojung:
Khampa magician and subjector of enemies of the dharma.

14. Trakthung Dudul Dorje:
the Terton who revived Kathog.

15. Gyeltse Sonam Detsen:
head of Kathog Gompa.

16. Dudul Rolpa Tsal:
yogi, teacher of Jikme Lingpa.

17 Dudjom Lingpa: 1835-1904
born in Chagkong in Kham in Gili family of tantrikas;
Gili Terton; Phurba terton: known for magical powers and wrathful face.

18 Dudjom Jiktrel Yeshe Dorje, 1904-79.

Sarva Mangalam!
May all beings be happy!