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updated February 19, 2025
New Events for 2025!
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21 Friday 6-9 pm
22 Saturday 4-7 pm
23 Sunday 4-7 pm
Available on zoom
Karmapa House, 8. Baross 80.
Budapest, Hungary
Dzogchen is the nondual acme of Buddhism. It is unique in its absence of laddered process and progress. The unborn nature of mind provides initiatory experience. We need only the pointing-out of what we already know. This weekend we get instruction on the three lights of recognition and three angles of approach to Dzogchen.
Keith Dowman Buddhist teacher and Dzogchen master, author, Translator: It was in the 60's that he received the Nyingma transmission, particularly regarding the nondual school intertwined in the tradition from the great Lamas living in exile in India. He is one of the most relevant translators and commentators of Longchenpa's work, his other important titles: The Divine Madman, The Flight of the Garuda. As travelling teacher, he has been organizing seminars and retreats for decades as travelling teacher all over the world. https://keithdowman.net/
In-person attendees requested donation for the programme:
Normal price 30.000 Huf; Discount price 20.000 Huf
We greatly appreciate if you support the teaching by paying the full price, if you can't, you're welcome for the reduced fee.
Payment at the door in cash.
Available on zoom
Payment method: reservation is €100.
Please send payment through paypal to https://paypal.me/keithdowman
Banking costs are your responsibility.
Once payment is made send proof by email.
Reservations will not be returned after March 1.
Before sending a reservation, contact us so that we may send you a registration form letter.
For info and zoom link contact: keithdowmanhungary@gmail.com
Hungary, Tar
April 15th Tuesday Evening to April 20th Sunday morning
Karma Ratna Dargye Ling
Tar, Hungary
The formality of simply sitting becomes the 24- hour-a-day practice: formal discipline becomes constant nondual experience. Dzogchen Trekcho is Buddhism in experiential reality. Relax and Enjoy!
Dzogchen is the nondual apex of Buddhism. It is unique in its absence of laddered process and progress. The unborn nature of mind provides initiatory experience. We need only the pointing-out of what we already know
Cost: 100,000 Huf (250 Eur) includes pension, three meals daily, teaching, donation for the teacher.
Zoom transmission: 150 Eur
Please pay through Paypal: https://paypal.me/keithdowman
And send proof of payment to keithdowmanhungary@gmail.com
(Zoom link details provided later)
Austria, Vienna
May 2nd – 4th
Friday 7:00 – 8:30
Saturday 11:00 – 13:00, 15:00 – 17:00
Sunday 11:00 – 13:00
Buddhistisches Zentrum Wien
Fleischmarkt 16, 1010 Wien, Stiege 1, 2. Stock, Tür 23
Vienna, Austria
Dzogchen ati-yoga, the nondual climax and crown of buddhism, cannot be approached through logic or practice. The teaching method is pointing out and the product recognition and realization.
With reference to Longchenpa’s “Spaciousness”.
COST: 140 € (reduction possible). send payment to paypal.me/Aschablas
CONTACT: Monika or Andreas on dowman.wien@gmx.at
May 19 - May 29
Casal La Salle Veciana
Barcelona, SPAIN
Knowing the nature of mind is the essence of Dzogchen. This introduction provides the key to buddhahood. What we know on the surface of mind is the never-failing entrance to the transcendent nature that is always with us. That reality is known as the here and now. Whatever its form, whatever we know, the here and now that is clear light is the immanent universal reality. The immediacy of the here and now is the ultimate way that Dzogchen reveals and knowing that light of the mind constitutes the meditation.
Our BuSuKu retreats provide the time and space to relax into the nature of mind. Non-action is the method. The pedagogical view turns our attention away from philosophical formulations; the pointing out of the heart center releases us from visionary dream. We use The Seven Treasures of the Tibetan Buddha Longchenpa, particularly the Choying Dzod (“The Treasure of Spaciousness”), as direction and instruction in this retreat.
The 10-day Veciana retreat in a parkland of inestimable beauty introduces the 24-hour-a-day non-meditation concept. Within that frame meditation and non-meditation naturally shine. innate discipline is non-discipline. The BuSuKu format allows the nature of mind to show through. Whoever has had intimation of their natural buddha potential is welcome
In-person full residential and on-line.
Download English flyer
Download Spanish flyer.pdf
Full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner): €1230
Half-board (breakfast and lunch only): (€1075
Online: Europe and world-wide €330
Latin-America: €300 scholarships available
Payment method: reservation is €150.
Please send payment through paypal to https://paypal.me/keithdowman
Banking costs are your responsibility.
Once payment is made send proof by email.
Reservations will not be returned after March 1.
Before sending a reservation, contact us so that we may send you a registration form letter.
contact: busukuspa@proton.me
USA, Taos, New Mexico
11th September – 21st September 2025
BlackBird Refuge
Taos, New Mexico USA
The original Rushen retreat is the principal and most effective entry into the Dzochen mandala. Its radical method is unique to Dzogchen. The spacious Blackbird Refuge and support located near Taos, New Mexico, is ideal for the solitary practice. Everyone with a Dzogchen inclination is welcome.
For further info on Rushen Practice contact Blackbirdrefuge@gmail.com
Cost is $1000….$200 deposit is due by Aug 31.
Pay at paypal.me/BlackbirdRefugeNM
10% discount for pre-September registration
Contact:Ben Barta at Blackbirdrefuge@gmail.com
Sarva Mangalam!
May all beings be happy!